Thursday, 18 July 2019

The Rationale for Impeachment of Trump

Some democratic leaders and scholars believe that a Trump impeachment is the best option against Donald Trump’s abuses of power and obstruction of justice. Trump’s stonewalling has pushed more and more Democrats toward initiating an impeachment inquiry. Overall, democrats are probably better off continuing their committee investigations, building a case, and educating the American public. But keeping the impeaching sword hanging over Trump.
Though there is a strong case for formal impeachment inquiry, the public is not yet onboard -- as on 43% of Americans support such an action.  Through continued congressional hearings, however, the public will continue to gain insights to the wrongdoings of Trump, and that support may rise. When the Nixon impeachment inquiry began, he had a 67% approval rating. By the end, even his Republican allies changed their positions and Nixon was forced to resign. Democrats continue to win court battles as they seek access to the information they seek. The administration’s current claim that the House desires for oversight hearings have no legislative is empty. Congress doesn’t need a legislative purpose: as an equal branch of government, they have oversight authority.  
Impeachment of Trump
There are some who are actually arguing that Trump may be the one wanting impeachment—as a strategy of 2020 election. As a political psychologist, I agree that for now, an impeachment inquiry will certainly rally his base. But in the long run, if facts were revealed to the country that could quickly shift. And, it’s not his base that Democrats need to convince, but rather, the Independents.
The latest polls show the number of Americans supporting impeachment has significantly grown. This means that an anti-Trump era may have begun to push back againt ‘Pseudo Protectionism’? Regardless of the reason, ‘impeachment hearings’ would receive far more news coverage than regular oversight hearings. And that would have a stronger impact on the views of Aericans as the truth rises and becomes more evident.