Friday, 29 March 2019

Mueller is Investigating Donald Trump as a Russian Asset

As per a recent report by The New York Times, the FBI has been investigating whether President Trump had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests. The story reframes the focus and purpose of the investigation headed by Robert Mueller. 

The probe is not only about Russian election interference, or about Trump’s impediment of the probe, it is about the secret connection between Trump and Russia that seems to be causing both these things to happen.

The FBI would not investigate a President simply for protecting friendly views of a rival state. The potential that President Trump is working on behalf of Russia suggests some kind of corrupt secret relationship, though this is mere suspicion.  It is therefore, an investigation into whether Trump is a Russian asset.

An asset can define a wide range of relationships. However, in Trump’s case, it would mean that he is subject to witting or unwitting compliance of Russia’s wishes. If witting, then it could be because of financial or personal blackmail, or promised financial gain. I unwitting simply as a dupe, not knowing or caring what Russia’s agenda is. It is far more likely that Trump’s financial vulnerability opened him up to Russian leverage, as analysed by experts dealing with Political Psychology. This is the kind of information American investigators can access.

Donald Trump

Does Russia have some kind of backchannel to shape Trump’s thinking? 

Donald Trump has met with and done business with Russians since 1987. It was after his first trip to Moscow that he anticipated running for president. It is well within the realm of probability that Russians used blackmail, bribes or just simple flattery to help shape his thinking on world affairs.

It is hard to understand how else some of the idiosyncratic and strangely Russpohillic ideas he routinely spurts have found their way into Trump’s brain. A lot of the public focus on the Mueller investigation has centered on campaign collusion. Russia has worked to help elect Trump. Putin openly admitted he wanted Trump to win, and his campaign, at a minimum, welcomed their entrees of help, and at maximum, they actively participated and contributed. 


The relationship between Trump and Putin did not merely rest on their mutual interest of the Trump campaign beating Clinton, but deeper connections based on Trump team meetings with Russians that were not only undisclosed, but lied about. Mueller is not merely looking into crimes, but trying to determine the foundational loyalties of the President of the United States.

-Dr. Bart Rossi Ph.D